英文名称:Dawn Raid 中文名称:黎明突袭指在开盘后的短时间内大量购入某公司股票的行为,一般是收购计划的开始。e.g. In a surprise move referred to as \"the Dawn Raid,\" Chinalco, as it is known, bought Rio’s London-listed shares in early February for 60 pounds each. When a firm or investor buys a substantial number of shares in a company first thing in the morning when the stock markets open. Because the bidding company builds a substantial stake in its target at the prevailing stock market price, the takeover costs are likely to be significantly lower than they would be had the acquiring company first made a formal takeover bid. Like the dawn raid in war, the corporate dawn raid is done early in the morning, so by the time the target realizes it's being attacked, it's too late - the investor has already scooped up some controlling interest. However, only a minority interest in a firm's shares can be bought this way. So, after a successful dawn raid, the raiding firm is likely to make a takeover bid to acquire the rest of the target company.
英文名称:Dividend Yieldmeasures the last recorded Cash Dividend (annualized) as a % of the current market price of the stockDividend Yield =Cash Dividend per Share/ Current Market Price per Share中文名称:股息收益率指反映股票股息收益水平的指标,计算方法为该公司的年度股息除以总市值,或每股股息除以每股市值,通常以百分比的形式表示。eb A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. In the absence of any capital gains, the dividend yield is the return on investment for a stock. Dividend yield is calculated as follows: Dividend yield is a way to measure how much cash flow you are getting for each dollar invested in an equity position - in other words, how much "bang for your buck" you are getting from dividends. Investors who require a minimum stream of cash flow from their investment portfolio can secure this cash flow by investing in stocks paying relatively high, stable dividend yields. To better explain the concept, refer to this dividend yield example: If two companies both pay annual dividends of $1 per share, but ABC company's stock is trading at $20 while XYZ company's stock is trading at $40, then ABC has a dividend yield of 5% while XYZ is only yielding 2.5%. Thus, assuming all other factors are equivalent, an investor looking to supplement his or her income would likely prefer ABC's stock over that of XYZ.
英文名称:Declaration Date 中文名称:股息宣布日公司董事会将分配股息的时间等信息公之于众的日期。 1. The date on which the next dividend payment is announced by the directors of a company. This statement includes the dividend's size, ex-dividend date and payment date. It is also referred to as the "announcement date". 2. The last day on which the holder of an option must indicate whether he or she will exercise the option. Also known as the "expiration date". 1. once it is authorized, the dividend is known as a declared dividend and it becomes the company's legal liability to pay it. 2. The declaration date of all listed stock options in the U.S. is on the third Friday of the listed month. If there is a holiday on the Friday, the declaration date falls on the third Thursday.
英文名称:Dividend Reinvestment Plan 中文名称:股息再投资计划公司向股东提供的投资计划,股东可以选择将现金股息在派息当日购入公司的股份。e.g. BP p.l.c. was advised on 3 July 2008, by Equiniti that Mr. I.C. Conn, a Director of BP p.l.c. received 313 BP Ordinary shares (ISIN number GB0007980591) on 13 June 2008 at GBP5.9672 per share, through the BP dividend reinvestment plan. A plan offered by a corporation that allows investors to reinvest their cash dividends by purchasing additional shares or fractional shares on the dividend payment date. A DRIP is an excellent way to increase the value of your investment. Most DRIPs allow you to buy shares commission free and at a significant discount to the current share price. Most DRIPS don't allow reinvestments much lower than $10. This term is sometimes abbreviated as "DRP".
英文名称:Dividend Policy 中文名称:股息政策公司制定采取何种利润分配比例和方式向股东派发股息的政策。e.g. Therefore, in accordance with our declared dividend policy, we have paid dividends totalling 28.1 pence per share in respect of the year ended March 31, 2007. The policy a company uses to decide how much it will pay out to shareholders in dividends. Lots of research and economic logic suggests that dividend policy is irrelevant (in theory).
英文名称:Dividend Payout Ratio 中文名称:股息支付率公司所派发股息占公司净利润的比率,计算方式为:每股股利除以每股收益。由此比率的变动能看出公司的股利发放政策以及对未来成长的预期。 The percentage of earnings paid to shareholders in dividends. The payout ratio provides an idea of how well earnings support the dividend payments. More mature companies tend to have a higher payout ratio. In the U.K. there is a similar ratio, which is known as dividend cover. It is calculated as earnings per share divided by dividends per share.
纳斯达克(Nasdaq)是全美证券商协会自动报价系统(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)英文缩写,但目前已成为纳斯达克股票市场的代名词。信息和服务业的兴起催生了纳斯达克。纳斯达克始建于1971年,是一个完全采用电子交易、为新兴产业提供竞争舞台、自我监管、面向全球的股票市场。纳斯达克是全美也是世界最大的股票电子交易市场。 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是美国全国证券交易商协会于1968年着手创建的自动报价系统名称的英文简称。纳斯达克的特点是收集和发布场外交易非上市股票的证券商报价。它现已成为全球最大的证券交易市场。目前的上市公司有5200多家。纳斯达克又是全世界第一个采用电子交易的股市,它在55个国家和地区设有26万多个计算机销售终端。 纳斯达克指数是反映纳斯达克证券市场行情变化的股票价格平均指数,基本指数为100。纳斯达克的上市公司涵盖所有新技术行业,包括软件和计算机、电信、生物技术、零售和批发贸易等。世人瞩目的微软公司便是通过纳斯达克上市并获得成功的。 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)股票市场是世界上主要的股票市场中成长速度最快的市场,而且它是首家电子化的股票市场。每天在美国市场上换手的股票中有超过半数的交易在纳斯达克上进行的,将近有5400家公司的证券在这个市场上挂牌。 纳斯达克在传统的交易方式上通过应用当今先进的技术和信息——计算机和电讯技术术使它与其它股票市场相比独树一帜,代表着世界上最大的几家证券公司的 519位券商被称作做市商,他们在纳斯达克上提供了6万个竟买和竟卖价格。这些大范围的活动由一个庞大的计算机网络进行处理,向遍布52个国家的投资者显 示其中的最优报价。(包括70多个电脑终端) 纳斯达克拥有各种各样的做市商,投资者在纳斯达克市场上任何一支挂牌的股票的交易都采取 公开竞争来完成——用他们的自有资本来买卖纳斯达克股票。这种竞争活动和资本提供活动使交易活跃地进行,广泛有序的市场、指令的迅速执行为大小投资者买卖 股票提供了有利条件。这一切不同于拍卖市场。它有一个单独的指定交易员,或特定的人。这个人被指定负责一种股票在这处市场上的所有交易,并负责搓合买卖双 方,在必要时为了保持交易的不断进行还要充当交易者的角色。 纳斯达克增大了交易市场中的优秀因素,并增强了他的交易系统,这些改进使纳斯达克有能力把投资者的指令发送到其它的电子通讯网络中去,感觉好像进入了一个拍卖市场。 A computerized system that facilitates trading and provides price quotations on more than 5,000 of the more actively traded over the counter stocks. Created in 1971, the Nasdaq was the world's first electronic stock market. Stocks on the Nasdaq are traditionally listed under four or five letter ticker symbols. If the company is a transfer from the New York Stock Exchange, the symbol may be comprised of three letters. The term "Nasdaq" used to be capitalized "NASDAQ" as an acronym for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation. The acronym is no longer used and Nasdaq is now a proper noun. The Nasdaq is traditionally home to many high-tech stocks, such as Microsoft, Intel, Dell and Cisco.
52周高点/低点The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Many investors see the 52-week high or low as an important indicator. For example, a value investor may view a stock trading at a 52-week low as an initial indication of a possible value play (a stock sitting at a price below its intrinsic value). An astute value investor will have to conduct a lot more analysis to come to this conclusion, but the fact that the stock is trading at its 52-week low can be a potential starting point.