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Cash Delivery

2020-08-17 编辑:网站编辑 有432人参与 发送到手机

1. The same-day settlement of a currency trade in the forex market. This means that delivery and settlement of the transaction occur on the same date that the currency trade is made. In order for this to occur, the forex position must be opened and closed within the same trading day.

Also referred to as "same-day settlement".

2. In the context of futures contracts, a settlement term in a contract that stipulates that the underlying asset of the contract will not be delivered on the delivery date - rather, the net cash value of the position will be transferred to the applicable party instead.

|||1. As is the case with most financial markets, when you place an order in the forex market, the trade is executed shortly afterward, but the settlement of trades - during which the trade details are entered into the books and records of the trading parties - typically occurs at a later time. Cash delivery is exceptional, because all of this happens in the same day.

2. Rather than physically deliver the underlying commodity or asset to the contract holder, it is much easier to simply transact the net cash value of the futures position instead. This allows investors to hedge against price changes in the underlying asset without having to worry about physically taking delivery.