A (French) real estate agreement where property is sold on a reverse annuity basis. Also known as a Reverse Annuity Mortgage or Charitable Remainder Trust. For example a person would sell their property to a purchaser in exchange for a down payment and regular cash installments for the rest of their life (while continuing to live in the house). The only catch is that when the person dies the property is surrendered to the purchaser. The advantage of a viager agreement is it allows elderly people to benefit from the sale of their homes while retaining its use. The downside is that if the person dies one week after entering the arrangement, then the buyer gets the property for a fraction of the cost.
A figure set each year by the Canadian government determining the maximum amount on which to base contributions to the Canada or Quebec Pension Plan (C/QPP). The YMPE specifies the earnings amount that can be used in calculating pension contributions for each year. The year's maximum pensionable earnings is defined each year by the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). The amount determines the maximum earnings amount in which contributions to the Canada Pension Plan can be made. For example, in 2008 the year's maximum pensionable earnings was $44,900. Workers earning more than that amount would only contribute to CPP on the first $44,900 of earnings.
A type of annuity that allows the investor (the holder of the annuity) control in the underlying investments in the annuity plan. An annuity is tax-deferred contract sold my an insurance copany that pays an income benefit on a regular basis for the life of the contract holder, the life of his or her spouse, or some other defined time period. The wraparound option give annuity holder the benefit of choosing the type of investment in the annuity. Because the income generated in a wraparound annuity plan is tax-deferred (that is, no taxes are paid until a withdrawal is made), the IRS no longer allows individuals to choose underlying investments for the purpose of evading taxes. The exception is when the annuity holder could not otherwise purchase a type of fund; in other words, the IRS does not allow individuals to shelter funds in the tax-deferred annuity if the underlying investments can be purchased through other means (without a tax deferral).
A law that allows spouses and children to contest a will if they are not adequately provided for. This doesn't necessarily mean that those left not provided for are guaranteed to get something, it just means they have the ability to contest the will.
A life insurance plan that provides a tax benefit in regards to intergenerational transfers of wealth. The concept occurs when a tax-exempt insurance policy is rolled over to a child or a grandchild. The origin of this term is derived from the fact that this insurance plan is similar to waterfalls in that it only flows downwards. The tax benefit occurs when the initial insurance policy is rolled over to the child or grandchild. After the transfer there are no more tax breaks, and so any funds that are withdrawn from the policy are subject to normal tax liability. However, clients can implement different variations on the waterfall concept to meet different objectives.
英文名称:Beneficiary 中文名称:受益方遗嘱或财务合约中声明有权在资产拥有者过世后继承其财产的个人或机构。A person or entity named in a will or a financial contract as the inheritor of property when the property owner dies. A beneficiary can be a spouse, child, charity or any entity or person to whom the property owner would like to leave his or her possessions and assets.
英文名称:Employee Contribution Plan 中文名称:员工供款计划一种公司支持型的退休养老计划,公司从员工工资中扣除一部分薪酬作为供款,为员工存入专门的账户,有一些公司还会同时提供相应的供款。A company-sponsored retirement plan where employees make deposits (contributions) to an account. Contributions are deducted from employee's pay; some companies match those payments. Remember, you always own 100% of contributions that you make.