A method of calculating an employer's contribution to an employee's defined benefit plan whereby the employer multiplies an employee's months of service by a predetermined flat monthly rate. There are three basic types of defined benefit plans: the flat benefit, unit benefit and variable benefit.
One of three methods by which early retirees of any age can access their retirement funds without penalty before turning 50.5. The fixed annuitization method divides the retiree's account balance by an annuity factor taken from IRS tables to determine an annual payment amount. The annuity factor is based on IRS mortality tables and an interest rate that is less than 120% of the federal mid-term rate. once the payment amount is determined, it cannot be changed. The two other methods for early, penalty-free retirement withdrawals are the fixed amortization method and the required minimum distribution method. Each method can result in quite different distribution amounts. The fixed annuitization method is the most complicated but sometimes offers the highest payments. Normally, funds withdrawn before age 59.5 are assessed a 10% early-withdrawal penalty. Funds must be withdrawn as substantially equal periodic payments as outlined by Internal Revenue Code Section 72(t) and must continue for five years or until the retiree reaches 59.5, whichever is longer. Retirees can elect to receive their distributions annually, quarterly or monthly. If withdrawals are stopped, all funds that have already been withdrawn become subject to early withdrawal penalties.
One of three methods by which early retirees of any age can access their retirement funds without penalty before turning 50.5. The fixed amortization method amortizes the retiree's account balance over his/her remaining life expectancy as estimated by IRS tables at an interest rate that is not more than 120% of the federal mid-term rate. once the withdrawal amount is calculated, it cannot be changed.The two other methods for early, penalty-free retirement withdrawals are the fixed annuitization method and the required minimum distribution method. Each method can result in quite different distribution amounts. The fixed amortization method can produce higher payments than the required minimum distribution method, but involves complex calculations and runs the risk of not keeping up with inflation. Although there are exceptions, usually, funds withdrawn before age 59.5 are assessed a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Retirees can elect to receive their distributions annually, quarterly or monthly. If withdrawals are stopped, all funds that have already been withdrawn become subject to early withdrawal penalties.
A person's right to the full amount of some type of benefit, most commonly employee benefits such as stock options, profit sharing or retirement benefits. Fully vested benefits often accrue to employees each year, but they only become the employee's property according to a vesting schedule. Vesting may occur on a gradual schedule, such as 25% per year, or on a "cliff" schedule where 100% of benefits vest at a set time, such as four years after the award date. By employing vesting schedules, companies seek to retain talent by providing lucrative benefits contingent upon their continued employment at the firm throughout the vesting period. An employee who leaves employment often loses all benefits which were not vested at the time of their departure. This type of incentive can be done on such a scale that an employee stands to lose tens of thousands of dollars by switching employers. This strategy can backfire when it promotes the retention of disgruntled employees who may hurt morale and simply do the minimum required until it is possible to collect previously unvested benefits.
A pension plan that has sufficient assets needed to provide for all accrued benefits. In order to be fully funded, the plan must be able to make all the anticipated payments to pensioners. A plan's administrator is able to predict the amount of funds that will be needed on a yearly basis; a determination can be made regarding the financial health of the pension plan. A fully funded pension plan is one that has the financial stability to make current and future benefits payments to pensioners. The plan depends on capital contributions and returns on its investments to achieve stability. Companies distribute annual benefits statements specifying whether or not the pension plan is fully funded. As such, employees can determine the financial strength of the plan.
A rule of thumb used to determine the amount of funds to withdraw from a retirement account each year. The four percent rule seeks to provide a steady stream of funds to the retiree, while also keeping an account balance that will allow funds to be withdrawn for a number of years. The 4% rate is considered to be a "safe" rate, with the withdrawals consisting primarily of interest and dividends. The withdraw rate is kept constant, though it can be increased to keep pace with inflation. The four percent rule helps financial planners and retirees set a portfolio's withdrawal rate. Life expectancy plays and important role in determining if this rate is going to be sustainable, as retirees who live longer will need their portfolios to last a longer period of time and medical costs and other expenses can increase as the retiree ages.
Treating lump-sum retirement-plan distributions as if they occurred over a five- or ten-year period. Forward averaging is available only to qualified plan participants who were born before 1936 and meet certain requirements. This treatment results in the distributions being taxed at a lower rate than the individual's ordinary tax rate. To be eligible for the capital gains and forward averaging treatment, qualified plan distributions must be in the form of a lump-sum distribution. Note: The five-year income averaging is repealed for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2000.
A stipulation in an employment agreement which states that the employer will provide a significant severance package if the employee loses their job. A golden handshake is usually provided to top executives for loss of employment through layoffs, firing or even retirement. Payment can be made several ways, such as cash, or stock options. Sometimes these golden handshakes are for millions of dollars, which makes them a very important issue for investors to consider. For example in 1989, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco-Nabisco paid F. Ross Johnson over $53 million as part of a golden handshake clause severance compensation. Some contracts, along with compensation, include non-competition clauses that state that once employment is terminated the employee is not allowed to open a competing business for a specified period of time.