英文名称:Devaluation 中文名称:贬值指单位货币价值减少,一单位本国货币兑换外国货币的能力下降。与之对应的是升值(appreciation)。e.g. Meanwhile, the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and soaring oil prices would increase further global inflationary pressures. A deliberate downward adjustment to a country's official exchange rate relative to other currencies. In a fixed exchange rate regime, only a decision by a country's government (i.e central bank) can alter the official value of the currency. Contrast to "revaluation". There are two implications for a currency devaluation. First, devaluation makes a country's exports relatively less expensive for foreigners and second, it makes foreign products relatively more expensive for domestic consumers, discouraging imports. As a result, this may help to reduce a country's trade deficit.
本票(Promissory Note) 目录 1 本票概述 本票概述 本票(Promissory Note)是一项书面的无条件的支付承诺,由一个人作成,并交给另一人,经制票人签名承诺,即期或定期或在可以确定的将来时间,支付一定数目的金钱给一个特定的人或其指定人或来人。 我国《票据法》对本票的定义,指的是银行本票,指出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。 国外票据法,允许企业和个人签发本票,称为一般本票。但在国际贸易中使用的本票,均为银行本票。银行本票都是即期的。一般本票可以是即期的或远期的。 而狭义的外汇中的本票仅指银行本票,不包括商业本票,个人本票。 本票的出票人必须具有支付本票金额的可靠资金来源,并保证支付。 A written, dated and signed two-party instrument containing an unconditional promise by the maker to pay a definite sum of money to a payee on demand or at a specified future date. The only difference between a promissory note and a bill of exchange is that the maker of a note pays the payee personally, rather than ordering a third party to do so. When a bank is the maker promising to repay money it has received plus interest, the promissory note is called a certificate of deposit (CD).
目录 1资产类别 2Asset Class 资产类别 一个对投资的归类,比如股票,债券,现金和商品。这四个类别的任意一种都趋向于以类似的形式产生风险(如利率升高)并受制于同样的监管要求。 Asset Class A specific grouping of investments, such as stocks (equity), bonds (debt), cash (currency) and commodities. The investments in each of the four groups tend to react to risk (such as a rise in interest rates) in a similar way and are governed by the same regulatory requirements. A group of securities that exhibit similar characteristics, behave similarly in the marketplace, and are subject to the same laws and regulations. The three main asset classes are equities (stocks), fixed-income (bonds) and cash equivalents (money market instruments). It should be noted that in addition to the three main asset classes, some investment professionals would add real estate and commodities, and possibly other types of investments, to the asset class mix. Whatever the asset class lineup, each one is expected to reflect different risk and return investment characteristics, and will perform differently in any given market environment.Asset classes and asset class categories are often mixed together. In other words, describing large-cap stocks or short-term bonds asset classes is incorrect. These investment vehicles are asset class categories, and are used for diversification purposes.
纳斯达克(Nasdaq)是全美证券商协会自动报价系统(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)英文缩写,但目前已成为纳斯达克股票市场的代名词。信息和服务业的兴起催生了纳斯达克。纳斯达克始建于1971年,是一个完全采用电子交易、为新兴产业提供竞争舞台、自我监管、面向全球的股票市场。纳斯达克是全美也是世界最大的股票电子交易市场。 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是美国全国证券交易商协会于1968年着手创建的自动报价系统名称的英文简称。纳斯达克的特点是收集和发布场外交易非上市股票的证券商报价。它现已成为全球最大的证券交易市场。目前的上市公司有5200多家。纳斯达克又是全世界第一个采用电子交易的股市,它在55个国家和地区设有26万多个计算机销售终端。 纳斯达克指数是反映纳斯达克证券市场行情变化的股票价格平均指数,基本指数为100。纳斯达克的上市公司涵盖所有新技术行业,包括软件和计算机、电信、生物技术、零售和批发贸易等。世人瞩目的微软公司便是通过纳斯达克上市并获得成功的。 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)股票市场是世界上主要的股票市场中成长速度最快的市场,而且它是首家电子化的股票市场。每天在美国市场上换手的股票中有超过半数的交易在纳斯达克上进行的,将近有5400家公司的证券在这个市场上挂牌。 纳斯达克在传统的交易方式上通过应用当今先进的技术和信息——计算机和电讯技术术使它与其它股票市场相比独树一帜,代表着世界上最大的几家证券公司的 519位券商被称作做市商,他们在纳斯达克上提供了6万个竟买和竟卖价格。这些大范围的活动由一个庞大的计算机网络进行处理,向遍布52个国家的投资者显 示其中的最优报价。(包括70多个电脑终端) 纳斯达克拥有各种各样的做市商,投资者在纳斯达克市场上任何一支挂牌的股票的交易都采取 公开竞争来完成——用他们的自有资本来买卖纳斯达克股票。这种竞争活动和资本提供活动使交易活跃地进行,广泛有序的市场、指令的迅速执行为大小投资者买卖 股票提供了有利条件。这一切不同于拍卖市场。它有一个单独的指定交易员,或特定的人。这个人被指定负责一种股票在这处市场上的所有交易,并负责搓合买卖双 方,在必要时为了保持交易的不断进行还要充当交易者的角色。 纳斯达克增大了交易市场中的优秀因素,并增强了他的交易系统,这些改进使纳斯达克有能力把投资者的指令发送到其它的电子通讯网络中去,感觉好像进入了一个拍卖市场。 A computerized system that facilitates trading and provides price quotations on more than 5,000 of the more actively traded over the counter stocks. Created in 1971, the Nasdaq was the world's first electronic stock market. Stocks on the Nasdaq are traditionally listed under four or five letter ticker symbols. If the company is a transfer from the New York Stock Exchange, the symbol may be comprised of three letters. The term "Nasdaq" used to be capitalized "NASDAQ" as an acronym for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation. The acronym is no longer used and Nasdaq is now a proper noun. The Nasdaq is traditionally home to many high-tech stocks, such as Microsoft, Intel, Dell and Cisco.
目录 1资产互换 2Asset Swap 资产互换 在一个典型的资产互换中,庄家向客户以市场价向客户购买一个债券,并且以浮动票据的牌价卖给客户。然后庄家再与另一个交易伙伴定下固定换浮动互换中,来抵消浮动率的义务和债券现金流。 Asset Swap In a typical asset swap, a dealer buys a bond from a customer at the market price and sells to the customer a floating rate note at par. The dealer then enters into a fixed-for-floating swap with another counterparty to offset the floating rate obligation and the bond cash flows. Similar in structure to a plain vanilla swap, the key difference is the underlying of the swap contract. Rather than regular fixed and floating loan interest rates being swapped, fixed and floating investments are being exchanged. In a plain vanilla swap, a fixed libor is swapped for a floating libor. In an asset swap, a fixed investment such as a bond with guaranteed coupon payments is being swapped for a floating investment such as an index.
英文名称:Accrued Interest 中文名称:应计利息指证券自上次付息日以来所累积的利息,须由证券的买方支付给卖方。如果证券在两个利息支付日之间出售,则买方通常要以在买价中包含应计利息或单独支付利息等方式补偿卖方。e.g. Before July 1, the bank calculated the value of the securities based on the purchase price and the accrued interest.1. A term used to describe an accrual accounting method when interest that is either payable or receivable has been recognized, but not yet paid or received. Accrued interest occurs as a result of the difference in timing of cash flows and the measurement of these cash flows. 2. The interest that has accumulated on a bond since the last interest payment up to, but not including, the settlement date. 1. For example, accrued interest receivable occurs when interest on an outstanding receivable has been earned by the company, but has not yet been received. A loan to a customer for goods sold would result in interest being charged on the loan. If the loan is extended on October 1 and the lending company's year ends on December 31, there will be two months of accrued interest receivable recorded as interest revenue in the company's financial statements for the year. 2. Accrued interest is added to the contract price of a bond transaction. Accrued interest is that which has been earned since the last coupon payment. Because the bond hasn't expired or the next payment is not yet due, the owner of the bond hasn't officially received the money. If he or she sells the bond, accrued interest is added to the sale price. 目录 1累计利息 2Accrued Interest 累计利息 下一个票息在今日的累计值(但是还未付),换句话说,这是债券自从上个票息起累计的利息。 Accrued Interest The current value of the earned portion of the next coupon payment due (but not yet paid) on a transaction or, in other words, the interest that has accumulated on a bond since the last coupon payment at any point up to but not including the valuation date.
52周高点/低点The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Many investors see the 52-week high or low as an important indicator. For example, a value investor may view a stock trading at a 52-week low as an initial indication of a possible value play (a stock sitting at a price below its intrinsic value). An astute value investor will have to conduct a lot more analysis to come to this conclusion, but the fact that the stock is trading at its 52-week low can be a potential starting point.
Twitter 是即时通讯的一个变种,它允许用户将自己的最新动态和想法以短信息的形式发送给手机和个性化网站群,而不仅仅是发送给个人。2006年3月,博客技术先驱blogger.com创始人埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)创建的新兴公司Obvious推出了Twitter服务。在最初阶段,这项服务只是用于向好友的手机发送文本信息。2006年底,Obvious对服务进行了升级,用户无需输入自己的 手机 图片 [1]手机是最目前很流行的的通讯方式,随着智能机的发展,目前市场中智能机初步替代功能机, 目前手机系统主要为安卓和IOS两大阵营,当然我们也期待WP8系统也能逐步加入阵营, 手机最早是美国科技巨头摩托罗拉公司发明的。移动电话,通常称为手机,早期又有大哥大的俗称,是可以在较广范围内使用的便携式电话终端更多>> 号码,而可以通过即时信息服务和个性化Twitter网站接收和发送信息。