英文名称:Counterparty Risk 中文名称:交易对手风险因交易对手不履行合约责任而带来的风险。The risk to each party of a contract that the counterparty will not live up to its contractual obligations. Counterparty risk as a risk to both parties and should be considered when evaluating a contract. In most financial contracts, counterparty risk is also known as "default risk". Because A is a counterparty to B and B is a counterparty to A both are exposed to this risk. For example if Joe agrees to lends funds to Mike up to a certain amount, there is an expectation that Joe will provide the cash, and Mike will pay those funds back. There is still the counterparty risk assumed by them both. Mike might default on the loan and not pay Joe back or Joe might stop providing the agreed upon funds.
英文名称:Current Account 中文名称:经常账户一个国家国际收支的主要组成部分,包括商品及劳务交易收支。区别于资本账户。 The difference between a nation's total exports of goods, services and transfers, and its total imports of them. Current account balance calculations exclude transactions in financial assets and liabilities. The level of the current account is followed as an indicator of trends in foreign trade.
英文名称:Dividend Yieldmeasures the last recorded Cash Dividend (annualized) as a % of the current market price of the stockDividend Yield =Cash Dividend per Share/ Current Market Price per Share中文名称:股息收益率指反映股票股息收益水平的指标,计算方法为该公司的年度股息除以总市值,或每股股息除以每股市值,通常以百分比的形式表示。eb A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. In the absence of any capital gains, the dividend yield is the return on investment for a stock. Dividend yield is calculated as follows: Dividend yield is a way to measure how much cash flow you are getting for each dollar invested in an equity position - in other words, how much "bang for your buck" you are getting from dividends. Investors who require a minimum stream of cash flow from their investment portfolio can secure this cash flow by investing in stocks paying relatively high, stable dividend yields. To better explain the concept, refer to this dividend yield example: If two companies both pay annual dividends of $1 per share, but ABC company's stock is trading at $20 while XYZ company's stock is trading at $40, then ABC has a dividend yield of 5% while XYZ is only yielding 2.5%. Thus, assuming all other factors are equivalent, an investor looking to supplement his or her income would likely prefer ABC's stock over that of XYZ.
英文名称:Beta 中文名称:β值/贝塔系数评估一种证券系统性风险的工具,用以量度证券或投资证券组合相对总体市场的波动性。贝塔系数利用回归的方法计算:贝塔系数为1,即证券的价格与市场同幅度地变动;贝塔系数高于1,即证券价格的波动性比市场高;贝塔系数低于1,即证券价格的波动性比市场低。A measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole. Beta is used in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), a model that calculates the expected return of an asset based on its beta and expected market returns..Also known as "beta coefficient". Beta is calculated using regression analysis, and you can think of beta as the tendency of a security's returns to respond to swings in the market. A beta of 1 indicates that the security's price will move with the market. A beta of less than 1 means that the security will be less volatile than the market. A beta of greater than 1 indicates that the security's price will be more volatile than the market. For example, if a stock's beta is 1.2, it's theoretically 20% more volatile than the market. Many utilities stocks have a beta of less than 1. Conversely, most high-tech Nasdaq-based stocks have a beta of greater than 1, offering the possibility of a higher rate of return, but also posing more risk.
嵌入式期权(Embedded option) 嵌入式期权是指在其他金融工具上“嵌入”一个选择权,而不一定是一个完整的期权工具。这种嵌有期权的创新金融工具有时也称“期权杂交”(option hybrid),它是品种最多、最为常见且运用最为广泛的一类期权,代表着期权发展的一个方向。 An option that is an inseparable part of another instrument. Compare this to a normal (or bare) option, which trades separately from the underlying security. A common embedded option is the call provision in most corporate bonds.
英文名称:Dual Currency Bond 中文名称:双货币债券以一种货币付利息,另一种货币偿还本金的债券,前者货币通常是债券购买者所在国家的货币,后者则通常是美元或债券发行者所在国家的货币。投资人通常可获得较市场水平高的票面利率,同时也可能要承受一定的外汇风险。 A debt instrument in which the coupon and principal payments are made in two different currencies. The currency in which the bond is issued, which is called the base currency, will be the currency in which interest payments are made. The principal currency and amount are fixed when the bond is issued. Dual currency bonds are subject to exchange rate risk. If the currency in which the principal will be repaid appreciates, the bondholder will make money; if it depreciates, he or she will lose money. Investors can use dual currency swaps, which have a fixed exchange rate at issuance, to offset the exchange risk of dual currency bonds.
英文名称:Chasing the Market 中文名称:跟市指当股市暴涨时,为避免股价升至更高以比预期高的价格买进股票,抑或指当股市暴跌,为避免股价跌至更低以比预期低的价格卖出股票。Entering or exiting of a trend after the trend has already been well established. Investors are often unaware of the fact that they are chasing the market, which can dent the value of a portfolio. This type of investing is often seen as irrational as decisions are often based on emotion instead of careful analysis of the value of the investment. Chasing the market refers to both the entering into highly priced positions after they have rapidly increased and become overvalued as well as the exiting of positions after they have rapidly decreased and become undervalued. During the internet bubble some investors entered the rapidly appreciating sector well after the trend had been established and lost considerable sums when the bubble bust.
英文名称:Declaration Date 中文名称:股息宣布日公司董事会将分配股息的时间等信息公之于众的日期。 1. The date on which the next dividend payment is announced by the directors of a company. This statement includes the dividend's size, ex-dividend date and payment date. It is also referred to as the "announcement date". 2. The last day on which the holder of an option must indicate whether he or she will exercise the option. Also known as the "expiration date". 1. once it is authorized, the dividend is known as a declared dividend and it becomes the company's legal liability to pay it. 2. The declaration date of all listed stock options in the U.S. is on the third Friday of the listed month. If there is a holiday on the Friday, the declaration date falls on the third Thursday.